stay healthy, regular wellness exams are important to attend. Large number of medical
center conducts the wellness exams in order to impart a healthy life. There are
several exams that are necessary to perform for women's health and medicine
care. As per the update, around one lakh eighty thousand women are suffering
from the disorder of breast cancer. Along with that many cases with cervical
cancer is also noticed in South Florida medical centers. Self-examination is the
best defence one can use to stay fit.
Important Note on Wellness Programs
of women are facing issues of breast cancer. Monthly check-up of examination is
important to carry in order to avoid its occurrence. Other tests include PAP
tests. It is done for the betterment of women’s health and medicine options. Women
with the abnormal test results are advised for colposcopy services. Treatments and
wellness exams related to sexually transmitted disease are programmed and
scheduled. Infections related to urine or vaginal tract are treated. Sexually
active women of twenty-one years and above should undergo
check-ups every twelve months.
of Examinations
important wellness examinations includes personal review as well as family
medicine history. Tests like a pelvic exam, breast exam, and thyroid exam are
also organised. Exams and check-ups for disorders that may result in the cancer
are maintained. Immigration exams and PAP test, for cervical abnormalities, is
also carried on for wellness of women. Primary precautions like vaccinations
are initiated at primary stages.